Relatable. Practical. Easy to understaND.

Topics listed below are by way of example only. Many other topics are available and sessions can also be built and tailored just for your needs.

example topics

  • Climate science 101

    What are greenhouse gases? Where do they come from and why do they matter? How and why is the planet warming and what does the science tell us? This 30 - 60 minute session can give you a solid grasp of the scientific fundamentals.

  • untangle the jargon

    Climate change uses a lot of jargon and acronyms. They can be confusing and unhelpful. Untangle the ‘alphabet soup’ of acronyms, build your knowledge, and learn to use them in the right way at the right time.

  • Carbon neutral explained

    Explore one of the fundamental building blocks of sustainability; the concept of carbon neutrality. It’s a really important part of the overall story, but is full of nuance and risks. Find out more in this easy to understand session.

  • What is net zero?

    A lot of the headlines surrounding climate change talk about the importance of ‘net zero’. But what is it? And why is it so important for organisations, countries and the planet to reach this milestone?

  • TCFD in twenty

    Only have 20 minutes to spare? Want to understand what TCFD is, where it came from and why it is so important? This truly bitesize session covers one of the most important and influential frameworks ever published.

  • Understanding greenhouse gases

    There are many different greenhouse gases that contribute towards the planet’s warming. But they are not all equal - some are more prevalent than others, and some are more dangerous than others. Find out where they each come from, which ones are most important and how they can be reduced or removed.